Monday, February 15, 2010

So pissed its not even funny


So right now im so pissed at my mom and dad. I can't even like freaken tell how pissed i am like. I dont think i've been this pissed in a long ass time. Like i need to go find a way to calm down before i do something dumb. Maybe i'll go outside in the snow and take pictures, to get my mind off stuff. Like i was so pissed i started to freaken cry sitting here. Like my freaken dad asked to borrow some money from me and ray cuz he was freaken broke. WTF. Like he got money from his taxes and blew it all on my brother who has fucken cheated on his lied to him and everything. He said he spend like fucken $3,000 ON FUCKEN ASS! OMFG, like ya know that could of gone to something for HIS FUCKEN CHILDREN BUT NOOOOOOOOOOO, instead of giving it to help save for a house or help pay off det, HE FUCKEN GIVING IT TO MY MOTHER WHO HAS NOT GIVEN A SHIT ABOUT MY DAD OR MYSELF AND MY BROTHER SINCE WE WERE LIKE FREAKEN 9 AND 8 YEARS COLD. Like you know i want to say i love my mom and dad, because i do they my parents. But  if my mom really cared about myself and my brother it would be different. I mean like freaken growing up she was never there ever. She only wanted to be around us when it was ok time for her. I remember growing up and not seeing my mom and dad for days because they were out doing there thing. And i remember having soccer games and ray having baseball games and seeing them but when the game was over they had already left and wouldn't be there to say good job. Like how in the world can a parent be like that. Growing up no one even knew who my parents were cuz they were never there for anything for my brother and i. I've had to be there for each other our whole lives, thank the lord for my grandparents. As i've gotten older my dad and mom and give and taken on wanting to do anything with us. For a long time they lived together in there own place and we lived with grandma and grandpa. People may think that really dont know us oh wow you have a great mom and dad, but they've never been there for us in our lives. The people who should get all the credit should be grandma and grandpa, for always being there no matter what the problem is. Were both the way we are today because of our grandparents. I think im the way i am is because i've had to be a mother to my brother, i would really do anything for him if i needed to and i've always been there for him. Like i remember when he joined marching band at our high school i went to every game no matter rain or shine to suport him, since my mom and dad didn't care enough about him. Even his senior year, i went to all the home games to still support him. My dad couldn't of gone but he didn't he thought it was better to stay home and watch tv. But you know what when i get older and look back on it i'll remember that i was there to support my brother and even if no one else was, it doesn't matter because atlest he wasn't there by himself! At the end of the day you can't make us for the 18 amost 19 years they've missed in my life, and they can't make up the 17 years of my brothers. Maybe when were both older they'll realise they missed out, but right now they don't care enough to support either one of us for anything we do in life! It's there lost, not mine! I feel better after writing this and crying while writing this.

Peace Out,
Samanth Kidder

Please Pray For Haiti

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