Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I love music


Yeah so im listening to music right now and its way late but i dont care. Today was boring like normal, didn't really do anything. I umm to the store wooo haha, bought some random stuff. I also went to see my uncle marvin. That was nice, i normally see him every tuseday but we've not been able to go for over a month to see him. Like every week we've tryed but its been either snowing or someone was in the hospital so i haven't been able to go. But i was really happy we were able to, it was nice seeing him and we put up stuff for him  in his room, he's at a nursing home, but its a really nice one, like you wouldn't think it was a nursing home unless  you knew it was. And well its a jewish nursing home, its like 3 stories high and have a big stage room (for shows they have and everything). Part of the nursing home is for people who can't take care of themselves, then on part is for people who are living there but need help to do things (thats where my uncle lives) and theres a part where if your jewish and want a retirement place to live. Anyway its really nice, and i like to go there, the people are always really nice.

Anyway so later today (it's wednesday morning haha) around 2pm i have a phone interview with a school that im trying to go to. It's the Miami International Unversity of Art & Design, the school is in Miami,Florida. I want to go to the school for photography, so i hope the interview goes good :).

Haha yeah :P

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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