Wednesday, February 3, 2010

CRAZY 2010


Holy cow, like so much stuff is going to be happening in 2010. Yeah i know it's already February, but this up coming summer crazyness is going to be happening. Like..

1) My dad's suppose to be moving to florida. Were (my dad and myself) going down in april to see my brothers marching band play at disney world but were also there looking for homes. He's going to see about moving around tampa and the st. petersburg area.

2) I'm going to see about going back to college in southern florida for photography if i can get into the school.

3) My brother is graduating in June. I mean he's my little brother i think thats crazy, i mean im only 18 and he's 17 but still LOL. Then he's going to college this fall in ohio.

4) Were moving everything out of the house and my grandparents are putting the house i've grown up in for sale, its going to be really sad when everything is moved out of here. I'm really going to miss this house. There hoping to put it up for sale this spring and have it sold this summer or fall.

So much stuff is going to be happening this spring and summer and fall LOL. I just hope i can make it and not lose my head and go crazy in the middle of everything. There will be alot of praying happening as time gets closer to everything. :) I just hope everything goes ok.

Oh this is random but like my uncle went into the hospital today. They think he might of had a heart attack, but there not sure yet. He looks ok but looking ok on the outside doesn't mean that you look ok on the inside. There going to run a lot of test tomorrow and the next upcoming days so they can figure out whats wrong and try to fix it. He seemed to be doing ok, but i think he was having chest pains off and on. The doctor tonight said it wasn't another heart attack coming on, but that he wasn't sure, and wouldn't be able to tell whats going on till the test are over with. I just hope that everything goes as good as it can go for some one in the hosptial ! I love you uncle jim :) i'll keep you in my prays !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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