Tuesday, February 9, 2010



Hiya, yeah so today was LAME ! Like i did nothing, i woke up around noonish, watched some youtube videos, and played some Modern Warfare 2 on the ps3. I'm awesome at the game, lol i just dont play it very often or for a long time. Like i've had the game since the day it came out. But i've only played the game a total of 47 hours, and im rank 58 or 59 a 2 star general :) ! Yeah but anyway, were suppose to get more snow ! I've heard different reports from different new stations, some say 4-6inches and another one says 6-8inches. So who really knows how much snow were going to get, and on top of it, its not suppose to stop snowing till wed. morning. So yeah, oh and i wonder if there going to keep the roads clear or its going to be crazy and the roads will be blocked. But the worse part is we got hit by a snow store friday night, we alrady have like 5-6inches of snow on the ground and now to get 6-8 more inches of snow on top of it will be crazy. Oh and i was looking at the 7 day forecast and it showed we might get snow again this upcoming weekend! Dude really WTF, like i dont get why out of nowhere were getting all this snow, i mean we've not had a bad now all winter long and now we got one. But that seems to be how it always is, we get a bad snow at the end of jan. beginning of feb. every year. Oh well as long as no one gets hurt everything will be ok!

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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