Saturday, February 27, 2010



So today i totally woke up late, like my grandma was suppose to be at the house at 9am-9:30am to pick me up and i was going to wake up at 8:30am to get ready. Haha, yeah like that didn't happen she ended up waking me up by yelling up the stairs at me at 9:34am. I like got up and put whatever i had around on and left the house. LOL. I was still trying to wake up when i got in the car, i mean i wasn't tired cuz when i fell asleep last night i was out. It was the first good sleep in a couple days, so i enjoyed it but i wish i would of woke up when my alarm went off, oh well. But anyway so i went and cleaned the church with her and my uncle. It went well for the most part and we got done around noon. Then she dropped me off at the house and i like did nothing all day HAHA. Like i watched tv, was on the computer/internet and thats about all. Oh i watched my brother play on the ps3, he was playing Assassin's Creed 2, that is an amazing game :) ! I think i might go play it right now, lol.

Oh like before i went and took a shower a little bit ago i looked down at my hand and like my fingers were swollen, red, hurt and were hot to touch. Like i have no idea whats wrong with them, so like i took my shower like normal and when i got out they were really really red, so i put lotion on because i thought maybe there dry, well that didn't help at all. When the lotion finally dryed my hand was burning even more, was freaken hotter and looked way worse. I called my dad at work and he said go run my hand under cold water and put stuff on my hand that you put on when you have a sun burn. When i put my hand under the cold water it was amazing like it stopped hurting and the red went away, then it put some soap and they didn't hurt, but i turned on some warm water, OMFG it started burned and went back to red. So i put the cold water back on and it stopped hurting again and everything. So i tryed it but it was freezing cold, anyway and i put the stuff for sunburns on and its totally helped. Like its not as red anymore, and doesn't hurt to much, but my hand is really really cold, and i think the cold might be the thing thats keeping it from hurting again. But i really dont know, i called my dad about and told him what happened and he said he thinks im having a allergic reaction to something. I think he might be the hand soap, cuz my hands have been looking different since i started to use it but i dont know. So i guess tomorrow(well later today) when i wake up i'll have to see how it looks. I hope it looks ok and my hand warms up! Hope everyone has a great weekend :) !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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