Saturday, February 13, 2010



So i have no idea why im so tired, like today i could of jsut stayed in bed and never got out. I've been really tired the last couple days, but i dont know if it has anothing to do with me not going to bed at a normal hour or if it is because i've not been sleeping well at all at night time. I think its more the not sleeping good at night thats really messing me up. Oh Well.

So my grandpa had the surgery done on his next and it was 99% blocked, the dr said that he shouldn't keep having strokes since it was cleaned out. But he's in ICU since they can't get his blood pressure under control and they can't get him to eat. Since they had to move a nerve in his neck it has messed his face up and he can't close his mouth really. The dr said that as he starts to heal his face will go back to normal but for the time being he will look a little odd. My grandma is going to go back down tomorrow morning to see him so she wont be at church tomorrow, so my dad is going to have to take ray and myself to church. And its scout sunday ugh its going to freaken be long i can already see it. But the good news is that i wont be there next sunday so i get a sunday off :), i'm having my wisdom teeth removed on tuseday so i'm not going to church sunday because well im sure i wont feel in the mood to go LOL! Anyway haha i hope my grandpa gets feeling better and gets out of ICU soon.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti 
Pou Bondye fè avèk ou

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