Sunday, January 31, 2010

Grammy's Michael Jackson Earth Song


Dude i freaken balled my eyes out like alittle baby, i couldn't even help it. Like when lionel richie started talking before the song even started i started to cry. I know right sad, but i couldn't help it. Then when the earth song started oh i lost it, i mean who wouldn't of. Then i stopped crying so much but then 2 of his 3 children walked out and i freaken LOST IT. I just couldn't stop crying. They freaken had to leave the stag for me to stop crying. That might make me sound dumb but whatever. 


Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Some Michael Jackson Love


Man like everywhere there talking about Michael Jackson. I'm like hell yes, you go Michael. I mean dang it sucks for him to be all over the tv this like to have to of died. Lets see im 18yrs old (yeah most are like how can you be a fan your to young), and i've been a MJ fan since i was little, maybe mid 90's. All my friends knew that i am a big MJ fan and they all asked me after his death how i was taking it. Well when he passed i was out of the country and i didn't find out that he passed till 2 days after it happened. But i balled my eyes out for like 2 weeks. All someone had to do was say his name and i started to cry.

I never believed that he did anything bad to children. They had him all over tv saying he was this dirty man and that he was never going to be the same was he used to be. But i never believed he did anything the whole time. I've always been a big fan of his and i know most of his songs almost by heart. I can tell you most of the time what song it is while its playing, cuz im cool like that lol.


Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Saturday, January 30, 2010



So today i did nothing really at all. I mean i got up at 9am, then went to church around 10:30am dropped off my stuff im sending to haiti then came home. Watched tv some then got a phone call from my mom that im not going to talk about on here. Then i went to the store with my dad woo, then i ate haha and now im sitting here about to fall asleep and its only 6:41pm LOL. So i think im going to go to bed and just sleep, i'm so tired and i have been for like 2 days now. I dont get why i am so tired but whatever. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Hait

Friday, January 29, 2010

Helping Haiti


So tomorrow morning at arounsd 9am im going to go to my church and start helping get things together for them to send to Matthew 25 Ministries. There a local group that will ship the things we get together :). I'm taking 14 blackets for children/adults and also 14 blankets for small children/babies. I think i might take some canned foods also that i know for a fact we wont eat and that we've had for a while. I'll go and drop my stuff off and ask if they need help, if they dont then im coming home. But if they do then i'm going to stay to help, the thing is till 2pm. So i hope everything goes ok, and that alot of people bring things to drop off :) ! Well i hope everyone has a great weekend ! It's almost February, i can't believe that January is almost over only 2 days LEFT (crazy) !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder



Pray For Haiti

Update : what im taking
  • 16 cans of food
  • 7 bars of soap
  • 8 shampoo bottles
  • 1 box of 16 bandaids
  • 14 children/adult blankets 
  • 14 baby/young children blankets 

Not Feeling Very Good


Hmm, well i'm not feeling that good. I'm really tired and cold but warm feeling all at the same time. I look like i've not been to sleep in week or more. I dont know why, i mean i've been getting around 6-8 hours of sleep each night. Oh well i think after i get done eatting some pizza im going to go to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow anyway. I'm planning on going to church tomorrow at 9:00am to help at my church if they need it. If they dont well im not going to stay. I mean whatever its up to them.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Really WTF


Ok all i have to say is that im bored like no tomorrow! I just got done watching "The Wendy Williams Show" on BET ! But it's like 12:55am and i dont want to go to sleep but im like pissed all at the same time. Like have you ever felt like you could trust someone but then you find out you can't. Or like if you talk to a person almost everytime for months then out of no where they dont talk to you, but like they do only when they want something WTF is up with people that are like that. I mean i know a person like that and it just like pisses me off more and more about how they are. I mean i like maybe if i didn't care about this it wouldn't bother me but once you talk to someone for a really long time you get used to talking to them all the time ya know. Ugh whatever, i mean i deleted the person out of my phone and my YIM list. I'm to the point if this person really is the person who i think they are then they can just text me or they can be the one to message me on YIM. I'm not going to be the one anymore to do it. I'm sticking it to the man lol. But whatever you know if thats how this persons gotta be then F them they dont have the right to talk to me anymore.

Peace Out
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Thursday, January 28, 2010

So So Day


Hmm well today was kinda of boring. So i went to bed this morning like around 3am-ish, then i woke up at 10:30am. I set my alarm to take me up at 10:00am but i went back to sleep, but like after i went back to sleep i had this nightmare and i couldn't get back to sleep. So i ended up getting up at 10:30am, i was so creeped out and i felt really odd, like i keep twitching and shaking after i woke up. I keep feeling like stuff was going up my back and legs. Anyway so after i got up i went with my dad to clean out this car, then we went out to eat for lunch at gold star, it wasn't as good as i wanted it to be. My dad called Best Buy while we were eatting and asked if the desktop was in and it was yay :) so we we went down to best buy and picked it up. Were there dropping off our laptops/desk top way way way to much, they know who we are LOL. Anyway so i found the "THIS IS IT" michael jackson CD! We bought it, i didn't want to open it but it did haha.

Like thats all i've done today, really boring i know lol. I'll probably not get to bed till 2am or 3am and then tomorrow i have to wake up at 9am because my grandparents are picking me up at 9:30am to go up to church. So i dont know how much sleep i'll get LOL. Oh well thats life :) better to enjoy it then to sleep the whole time!

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Wednesday, January 27, 2010



Who in the freaken world would want a MAC computer! I mean really if you think there awesome have you really used one? At the school i went to thats all we had and I HATED THEM! I was so happy when the school got PC's, there so easy to use. I mean how in the world do you think that MAC's are easier? You have to do like a million steps to do one thing and then there so out of date from PC's. Like i use yahoo messenger and on a MAC its like behind, on PC's there like up todate on stuff. Like everything is behind for MAC's wtf why would you want something like that i mean shit dont buy a MAC if you want something old go buy a windows or windows XP computer. I mean dude dont go waste your money to behind! I think the only people who should buy a MAC are people use do pictures or people who make videos. Normal people there is no NEED to buy a MAC. And if you think PC's are hard to use thats cuz your DUMB AS FUCK! I mean come on people just do simple things and your computer will never have problems but if your a dumb shit who goes to like PORN WEBSITES AND WANT TO GET HACKED  more power to you for not knowing how to protect your computer. Just dont go waste your money, i mean if your computer sucks its probably cuz your bought a cheap ass fuck. If your computer is like $400.00 im sure your computer is going to work like SHIT. Like one thing DONT BUY DELL COMPUTER/LAPTOPS they suck ass, ACER also sucks ass. Now there are some computers i dont really know to much about like GATEWAY, ASUS, SONY, VAIO, SAMSUNG, TOSHIBA. I mean the TOSHIBA is so so, my brother had one. Just use your brain people dont be fulled by other people!

Samantha Kidder


Umm WOW (mom leaving)


HAHA yeah like wow like i was up at 5:45am watching "THIS IS IT". The Michael Jackson movie, it was better the second time i saw it. I mean i have seen it 2 times with in 24 hours haha. I got kind of sad and most starting crying the second time around. He is totally amazing and i really do miss that man. God speed  michael jackson :) !

So like my mom is leaving tomorrow for florida. I hope everything goes good, i mean i dont want her to fail. I hope that she finds a job and somewhere to stay so she's not homeless there. She's leaving around noonish, she's going down on gray hound!


Peace out,
Samantha Kidder


Tuesday, January 26, 2010



So the movie was TOTALLY AMAZING! Like i enjoyed every second of it, but at times i almost felt like crying. I mean when you watch and then remember that he never got to the it in front of everyday who bought the tickets its really sad. And well on top of it like for him dying in general, like i know myself i was a train wreck for like 2 weeks after he died. All you had to do was say his name or i would hear his music and i started to cry. I'm a really big MJ fan and i've been for a long time since i was little. I never believed he hurt or did anything to the kids who said he touched them. I've always stuck up for him when people say bad stuff about him. But its just so sad ya know. Anyway the movie was awesome and i was really happy i got it :) !

RIP Michael Jackson

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

This Is It


So i got "THIS IS IT" the michael jackson movie, so pumped. I didn't get to see the movie when it was in theater, so i had to wait till it came out on dvd ! But my dad works 3rd shift so after he got off work he went and bought it ! I wanted to get it early since i wasn't sure how many would be left lol, i mean it did just come out today on dvd :) . Anyway im going to watch it and then i'll post another blog about what i think of the movie! Oh and RIP MICHAEL JACKSON

Peace Out
Samantha Kidder

Pray for Haiti

Monday, January 25, 2010



So today i did nothing at all. I mean i watched like 3 movies,
1) Inglourious Basterds (best movie ever haha)
2) 101 Dalmatians (cartoon - platinum edition)
3) Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (umm on dvd lol)

Anyway so thats all i've done, oh and i went to the store to buy some bread, bacon, cheese, soft taco shells, and 2 pizza lunchables :) ! I went in shorts cuz my dad said oh its not cold. BULL CRAP IT WASN'T COLD ! On top of it being cold the wind was blowing not cool. Anyway i've stopped fasting i think LOL, umm today i ate 2 meals lol. Anyway im really tired and its like 9:58pm, i normally dont go to bed till like 3am haha. So this is something new HAHA. Hope everyone has/had a great day :) !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Oh yeah i added music to my blog awesome right :) haha

Pray For Haiti



So here i am at 1:22am freaken bored out of my mind and wide awake. I mean it would be different if i wasn't so late but its really late and i shouldn't be wide awake. See this is what was happening before a couple months ago where i was drinking pop and i couldn't sleep. Then i stopped for a while and i was able to go to bed at a normal time. But now here i am again drinking pop and i can't sleep! I need to stop drinking it but i can't, yeah that might sound really dumb but it just taste so good. Like right now at this moment i want to go and get a pop, like maybe dr. pepper :). Ugh this really sucks ass, i can't pick what i want to do. Like today i've not drank any water at all and thats not good.

Please let me get to sleep LOL !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray for Haiti

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 6 & 7 of Fasting


Wow, umm yeah so i for got to put up a blog yesterday for my day 6 of fasting opps! Well nothing really happened yesterday, other than i went with my dad to go look at a car. He's on the look for a new one so he doesn't have to drive the one he's got now. I ate skyline yesterday as my "one meal of the day". It was really good. Most of the time i think there just ok but i really enjoyed it and im not sure if i just hadn't had it in a long time or because i got it from a different one that i've never been to before. Anyway it was boring yesterday, i was left home alone last night. That wouldn't be so bad but my house is really big and i swear to god we have ghost. Everyone here has seen them or heard them, so i know im not crazy.

So on to today thats day 7 of fasting. Umm i think i might end it but im not sure like i keep snaking kinda. Who knows i might keep going with just the one meal a day for another week or so. I was really hard this past week but as the days went on its gotten easier and the lack of eatting alot of food doesn't bother me. But i've gotten back into a bad old habbit now. Like i keep wanting to drink pop. Like i've had a coke everyday so far and i dont want to get back into drinking pop again. I mean i've lost a total of 12 lbs and i dont want to gain it back. I'll have to figure a way or something.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 5 of Fasting (And Haiti)


So nothing really happened today. I ate when i woke up and what not and im doing good so far. Um yeah like someone drove into our yard this morning hit 2 trees and left a part of there car out in one tree. One of the trees was uprooted and fell over thats the one with a car part in it. Um then they drove off and into the road and we have no idea who did it. Called the cops and they filed a report and said they'd look for the car (im guessing it was a car, who really knows).

Watching Hope For Haiti Now on CNN. George Clooney is hot haha ! Thats all haha :) . Oh yeah umm so today i got a thing in the mail from American Airlines. I was suppose to go down to Haiti on Jan 19th , 2009...but they had a earthquake on the 12th of jan, 2009. So we couldn't go down, i was suppose to go on a mission trip there to help the people :) . I went on one last year to there and i think it was the best thing i've ever done in my life. Anyway so the trip has to be done at a different time, so our leader was going to try and get it refunded or get a ticket voucher. So yeah i have to take a plane trip within this next year on Amercan Airlines so the $631.00 will go to waste. So i hope that the we can go down sometime in the next couple months.

Just remember that yes everyone is doing all this stuff for haiti now, but i know how we are here in the US with in another week or 2 the earthquake in haiti in will old news and they wont be reporting on it still. I know thats sad to say and you will think oh no thats a lie but its not. People will not want to hear about it anymore. And it will show the people who really care about the people down there. That's really sad to say but its true, sometimes i wonder would anyone who has never heard of haiti or could careless about the country, would they of ever helped the 3rd world country if this wouldn't of happened ? The answer is NO, dont lie to yourself if you would of said YES. Most people wouldn't even give a week of there time to go down there to help the people, to make a little kid smile or laugh.

Will people remember haiti in 2 or 3 months when were not hearing about it all over the tv and internet ? Will they remember how bad the people live or how poor the place is? I'm going to say hope probably not.

I would love to go there and live for a month or even a year to help out on whatever i can. Maybe after college i can go and do that.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray for Haiti

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 4 of Fasting


So, i did something different today. I normally eat the meal after the sun goes down but today i was like hmm i'll change it up so i eat the meal right when i woke up. I think im going to start doing that because then im not hungry all day. Eatting at that time had me full all day so i was starving and it was nice. So tonight im not hungry and everything, i think its way better that way :) ! Yeah well thats all i wanted to say.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 3 of Fasting


So today was so hard. I was so hungry and like it was only like 2pm. It was crazy i hope that it gets better haha. I had dinner today like how i have the other 2 days. I think im going to keep having dinner everyday and thats all. I hope i lost some weight this week but i dont know, last week i lost 3 lbs. But i hope with fasting like i didn't gain weight. Anyway i had a bad nights sleep and i wish that would of gone better, i hope tonight it goes ok. I hope sleep is better and that im not tired. Oh and with this fasting not having yahoo messenger is GREAT. To tell the truth i've really not missed getting on there and hearing crap from people. Anyway i hope everyone had a great week :) !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Please Pray For Haiti

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 2 of Fasting


So today was day 2 and it was way easier than yesterday. I wasn't even hungry all day it was amazing! But tonight i ate after the sun went down again. It was ok, eatting then and it was nice like i got stuffed by not eatting alot :) . Anyway so tomorrow will be day 3 and im still not sure when i'll be ending my fasting. Like i said yesterday my brother will be ending his fasting on sunday ( 24th). I might end then and i might not, not to sure when i will. I've been drinking alot of water so that i wouldn't be hungry and i think it worked since i wasn't.

RANDOM: So my mom is thinking about moving to florida on thursday ( 28th). I dont know how that will go since she doesn't have a job (she just got fired today "19th"" and well she doesn't have a plan on where she is going to live in florida either. She's told us that she will be taking the gray hound down to st. augustine, florida. I know that she knows the place really well since we go there every year but still. So all i can do is put my mom in gods hands and hope that everything goes ok for her in florida and that she doesn't get in trouble.

Oh and SCOTT BROWN WINS MASS. SENATE SEAT ! Hell yes, that means dem's dont have 60 people and so that means that they dont have super majority haha. Im so happy about that :) !!

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Please Pray For Haiti

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 1 of FASTING


So today was the first day of my fasting. Im still not sure what type of fasting i want to do. I've read that you should showly go into fasting and not just stopping eatting food 100%. So today i ate only dinner and drank alot of water. Maybe tomorrow i'll stopping the eatting 100% and just drink water. Not sure yet or i might just have it where i only eat dinner. Oh well, i think i did good today for what i ate and when i did. I mean sure i was hungry when it was lunch time and this morning but i just drank water and did something to eat my mind of eatting and i was going great. First day went good :)

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Please Pray For Haiti

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fasting !?!


So im going to start fasting tomorrow (monday 18th) when i wake up. I've never fasted before but im going to do it for the first time and i hope i can do it. My brother is going to also fast so its not like its just going to be me, we'er going to do it together. Yeah so i just wanted to say that, oh and im not going to get on yahoo messenger while im fasting, well im not planning on it so until i stop fasting dont look for me on yim! Each day i'll update on here how everything is going while im doing this and what not!

RANDOM: But i found out today that my churches district is going to see about getting a group to go down to haiti. My pastor said it would be soon well before summer that is. You might be thinking yeah thats to early but not really since they have a mission in port-au-prince,haiti. So it's not like they never go down there and the man who is ahead of the mission there was killed in the earthquake. I think my pastor said that a view other people down there that was working who's ahead of the place where they work there also passed away. But any how if i learn more about if they are going or not i will put it on here and what not.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Update on Grandpa


So i just got a phone call from my grandma telling me that my grandpa ended up having a mild stroke. So i guess he wasn't faking it after all, but you ever know because he's always going to the hospital for no reason. Oh well, im going to go down later today to see him and see how he is doing. But i am happy now that he went so that they can make sure everything is ok with him and what not. I'll update on here when i get back how he is doing, or i might not post think and wait till i get back to finish it. I think i'll do that. So when i leave i'll just not post this haha. My grandma said she'd be over here in a hour or so. And that was like maybe 20 or 30 mins ago, so she'll be here soon. I need to finish getting ready, like i have shorts on and yes its warmer than what it has been but its only 37 degrees and thats still COLD. Im not out to make myself sick so before i leave im going to put long pants on.


Ok back home, and bored. Grandpa is doing good and we spent a good while down there seeing him. He went and had another MRI that was his 3rd one, he's hoping he doesn't have to get anymore of them. He's in good hopes and seems to be as good as you can get for having a mild stroke i think.

So an odd thing happened while i was down there. So i was going to go get something to eat since i'd only had a turkey sandwhich for lunch. So i went down to the cafe to get good but it was closed and so i went to the vending machine area and this guy i saw, i was like i know him. I went to haiti with him last year in jan 2009. He had walked by the area and walked back and was like i know you and started talking to me. He was planning on going to haiti on tuseday (19th) as i was. He was saying that he'd see me when ever we replan on going down. LOL i just thought it was odd and funny that out of know where i saw someone that i had not seen in over a year. Oh well haha.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

PLEASE PRAY FOR HAITI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sooo waiting at the Hospital


So here I am waiting at the hosptial, my grandpa is in the back doing something well he was brought in to be looked at. Im not really sure what he was being brought in for, but it think it has something to do with his mind, who really knows. But whatever, so here i am sitting in the wiating room, i cam down with my grandma but i told her i would sit out in the waiting room while she went into the back to be with him. I wasn't planning on bring my laptop here but i did oh well lol. I set myself near a outlet so when my laptop is getting close to dying i can just plug it in. But i haven't yet, so thats not a bad thing and i hope that i dont have to at all. But whatever if i do i have like 4 outlets nears me LOL. But this is really boring and the bad part is my grandpa is always in the hospital for something. I think he makes it up half of the time but whatever. I mean almost like once a month or like everyother month he is wanting to come down to the hospital for some dumb reason. And on top of it most of the time he is faking i mean really why would you want to be sick for. He is one of the only people i know that wants to be sick, being sick is not fun at all but for someone to want to be sick its got to do with there mind i think. We've been thinking for a while off and on that maybe his mind is going. I mean he is 69 i think, and his mom passed away in 2008 from losing her mind. It was so sad, i just hope that he's just faking it and its' not really his mind going. If it is maybe my grandma can get him on some meds to slow it down before it gets to late where meds wont help.

Anyway, i think i might put a update on here after i hear something from my grandpa. But i havne't heard anything still yet so whatever. Hope there is nothing wrong with my grandpa.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Not A Happy Camper


So i went and helped clean at my church today. Like it do it every week but just being in the church pissed me off. Like dude really i just dont want to step foot in there cuz it just reminds of me freaken doing the power point and i dont want to do the power point. So i can't help getting a little upset being in there or talking about church when i dont like going. Im going to talk to my pastor this up coming sunday so i can stop freaking out about it and just relax. I dont think i should have to be stressed out by it, church should not be stressful. But whatever dude i'll just live, i'll do it this sunday but im not going to go to church for a while because i dont want to. I see nothing wrong with taking a break from, its not like im leaving being a christian i just dont want to go to church anymore. Remember a church is just a building that you go to get together to praise god, you dont just have to go to church to say your a christian. I mean as long as i believe in god and know thats where i came from and everything there is nothing wrong i dont see. i'll live :)

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Not Going To Haiti


So i'm suppose to be going to haiti this upcoming tuseday. But i wont be going down this tuseday. But i might be going if i can go down, it would be in march. I hope that if we can go, i mean im not sure the pastor who is ahead of going down just brought it but up but i hope it will help. I was kinda pissed earlier when i found out that i wasn't going down this tuseday. But maybe it is for the best as of right now. But i swear i better get to go down this year. I want to help them there. I mean i would stay there a month if i could, but oh well. So thats all i know as of right now. Oh and i think i might not go to church after this sunday.

I dont know just doing all this stuff with church and the power point is like pissing me off. It makes me not want to go to church and i am a religious person and i like church but i dont like feeling like this. Its not right, i mean no one should ever feel like they dont want to go to church because of something there doing in church. I'm going to talk to my pastor about it this up coming sunday so it doesn't sound like i just want to leave the church. I dont i just dont want to feel this way anymore. This is why i wanted to go down to haiti, so i could get closer to god in a way. So that i could not think about the computer or the internet and just be happy and enjoy what god has made.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder



OMFG, this is the saddest thing in the WORLD. Haiti had a major earthquake yesterday afternoon around 5:00pm. I'm suppose to go down to haiti this up coming tuseday that would be the 19th. But im sure even sure if i will be able to go down and help. The airport it shut down at this time, i hope i do get to go down to thelp them. I would stop everything im doing right to go down and help them. I mean its so sad and if i could do anything to help them i would. I hope everyone helps in some way, its so sad. I mean there the poorest country in the western hemisphere. I hope everything goes better ! God be with them :)

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Monday, January 4, 2010

Got My Ears Pierced


So last night i was out with my friends, we went to wal-mart to get away from all of our parents and just to have some girl time. Anyway so i went last night and i got my ears pierced LOL. And i picked the biggest studs i could afford LOL.

Saturday, January 2, 2010



Wow its 2010 now ! That is CRAZY, it makes me feel old for some reason. Or maybe just that im growing up and at times i really dont want to. I mean i'll be 19 in april and to me thats CRAZY LOL...oh well, i hope everyone has a good 2010 :)

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder