Saturday, January 16, 2010

Update on Grandpa


So i just got a phone call from my grandma telling me that my grandpa ended up having a mild stroke. So i guess he wasn't faking it after all, but you ever know because he's always going to the hospital for no reason. Oh well, im going to go down later today to see him and see how he is doing. But i am happy now that he went so that they can make sure everything is ok with him and what not. I'll update on here when i get back how he is doing, or i might not post think and wait till i get back to finish it. I think i'll do that. So when i leave i'll just not post this haha. My grandma said she'd be over here in a hour or so. And that was like maybe 20 or 30 mins ago, so she'll be here soon. I need to finish getting ready, like i have shorts on and yes its warmer than what it has been but its only 37 degrees and thats still COLD. Im not out to make myself sick so before i leave im going to put long pants on.


Ok back home, and bored. Grandpa is doing good and we spent a good while down there seeing him. He went and had another MRI that was his 3rd one, he's hoping he doesn't have to get anymore of them. He's in good hopes and seems to be as good as you can get for having a mild stroke i think.

So an odd thing happened while i was down there. So i was going to go get something to eat since i'd only had a turkey sandwhich for lunch. So i went down to the cafe to get good but it was closed and so i went to the vending machine area and this guy i saw, i was like i know him. I went to haiti with him last year in jan 2009. He had walked by the area and walked back and was like i know you and started talking to me. He was planning on going to haiti on tuseday (19th) as i was. He was saying that he'd see me when ever we replan on going down. LOL i just thought it was odd and funny that out of know where i saw someone that i had not seen in over a year. Oh well haha.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

PLEASE PRAY FOR HAITI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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