Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 2 of Fasting


So today was day 2 and it was way easier than yesterday. I wasn't even hungry all day it was amazing! But tonight i ate after the sun went down again. It was ok, eatting then and it was nice like i got stuffed by not eatting alot :) . Anyway so tomorrow will be day 3 and im still not sure when i'll be ending my fasting. Like i said yesterday my brother will be ending his fasting on sunday ( 24th). I might end then and i might not, not to sure when i will. I've been drinking alot of water so that i wouldn't be hungry and i think it worked since i wasn't.

RANDOM: So my mom is thinking about moving to florida on thursday ( 28th). I dont know how that will go since she doesn't have a job (she just got fired today "19th"" and well she doesn't have a plan on where she is going to live in florida either. She's told us that she will be taking the gray hound down to st. augustine, florida. I know that she knows the place really well since we go there every year but still. So all i can do is put my mom in gods hands and hope that everything goes ok for her in florida and that she doesn't get in trouble.

Oh and SCOTT BROWN WINS MASS. SENATE SEAT ! Hell yes, that means dem's dont have 60 people and so that means that they dont have super majority haha. Im so happy about that :) !!

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Please Pray For Haiti

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