Monday, January 25, 2010



So here i am at 1:22am freaken bored out of my mind and wide awake. I mean it would be different if i wasn't so late but its really late and i shouldn't be wide awake. See this is what was happening before a couple months ago where i was drinking pop and i couldn't sleep. Then i stopped for a while and i was able to go to bed at a normal time. But now here i am again drinking pop and i can't sleep! I need to stop drinking it but i can't, yeah that might sound really dumb but it just taste so good. Like right now at this moment i want to go and get a pop, like maybe dr. pepper :). Ugh this really sucks ass, i can't pick what i want to do. Like today i've not drank any water at all and thats not good.

Please let me get to sleep LOL !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray for Haiti

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