Wednesday, January 27, 2010



Who in the freaken world would want a MAC computer! I mean really if you think there awesome have you really used one? At the school i went to thats all we had and I HATED THEM! I was so happy when the school got PC's, there so easy to use. I mean how in the world do you think that MAC's are easier? You have to do like a million steps to do one thing and then there so out of date from PC's. Like i use yahoo messenger and on a MAC its like behind, on PC's there like up todate on stuff. Like everything is behind for MAC's wtf why would you want something like that i mean shit dont buy a MAC if you want something old go buy a windows or windows XP computer. I mean dude dont go waste your money to behind! I think the only people who should buy a MAC are people use do pictures or people who make videos. Normal people there is no NEED to buy a MAC. And if you think PC's are hard to use thats cuz your DUMB AS FUCK! I mean come on people just do simple things and your computer will never have problems but if your a dumb shit who goes to like PORN WEBSITES AND WANT TO GET HACKED  more power to you for not knowing how to protect your computer. Just dont go waste your money, i mean if your computer sucks its probably cuz your bought a cheap ass fuck. If your computer is like $400.00 im sure your computer is going to work like SHIT. Like one thing DONT BUY DELL COMPUTER/LAPTOPS they suck ass, ACER also sucks ass. Now there are some computers i dont really know to much about like GATEWAY, ASUS, SONY, VAIO, SAMSUNG, TOSHIBA. I mean the TOSHIBA is so so, my brother had one. Just use your brain people dont be fulled by other people!

Samantha Kidder


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