Thursday, January 28, 2010

So So Day


Hmm well today was kinda of boring. So i went to bed this morning like around 3am-ish, then i woke up at 10:30am. I set my alarm to take me up at 10:00am but i went back to sleep, but like after i went back to sleep i had this nightmare and i couldn't get back to sleep. So i ended up getting up at 10:30am, i was so creeped out and i felt really odd, like i keep twitching and shaking after i woke up. I keep feeling like stuff was going up my back and legs. Anyway so after i got up i went with my dad to clean out this car, then we went out to eat for lunch at gold star, it wasn't as good as i wanted it to be. My dad called Best Buy while we were eatting and asked if the desktop was in and it was yay :) so we we went down to best buy and picked it up. Were there dropping off our laptops/desk top way way way to much, they know who we are LOL. Anyway so i found the "THIS IS IT" michael jackson CD! We bought it, i didn't want to open it but it did haha.

Like thats all i've done today, really boring i know lol. I'll probably not get to bed till 2am or 3am and then tomorrow i have to wake up at 9am because my grandparents are picking me up at 9:30am to go up to church. So i dont know how much sleep i'll get LOL. Oh well thats life :) better to enjoy it then to sleep the whole time!

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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