Thursday, January 14, 2010

Not Going To Haiti


So i'm suppose to be going to haiti this upcoming tuseday. But i wont be going down this tuseday. But i might be going if i can go down, it would be in march. I hope that if we can go, i mean im not sure the pastor who is ahead of going down just brought it but up but i hope it will help. I was kinda pissed earlier when i found out that i wasn't going down this tuseday. But maybe it is for the best as of right now. But i swear i better get to go down this year. I want to help them there. I mean i would stay there a month if i could, but oh well. So thats all i know as of right now. Oh and i think i might not go to church after this sunday.

I dont know just doing all this stuff with church and the power point is like pissing me off. It makes me not want to go to church and i am a religious person and i like church but i dont like feeling like this. Its not right, i mean no one should ever feel like they dont want to go to church because of something there doing in church. I'm going to talk to my pastor about it this up coming sunday so it doesn't sound like i just want to leave the church. I dont i just dont want to feel this way anymore. This is why i wanted to go down to haiti, so i could get closer to god in a way. So that i could not think about the computer or the internet and just be happy and enjoy what god has made.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

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