Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 6 & 7 of Fasting


Wow, umm yeah so i for got to put up a blog yesterday for my day 6 of fasting opps! Well nothing really happened yesterday, other than i went with my dad to go look at a car. He's on the look for a new one so he doesn't have to drive the one he's got now. I ate skyline yesterday as my "one meal of the day". It was really good. Most of the time i think there just ok but i really enjoyed it and im not sure if i just hadn't had it in a long time or because i got it from a different one that i've never been to before. Anyway it was boring yesterday, i was left home alone last night. That wouldn't be so bad but my house is really big and i swear to god we have ghost. Everyone here has seen them or heard them, so i know im not crazy.

So on to today thats day 7 of fasting. Umm i think i might end it but im not sure like i keep snaking kinda. Who knows i might keep going with just the one meal a day for another week or so. I was really hard this past week but as the days went on its gotten easier and the lack of eatting alot of food doesn't bother me. But i've gotten back into a bad old habbit now. Like i keep wanting to drink pop. Like i've had a coke everyday so far and i dont want to get back into drinking pop again. I mean i've lost a total of 12 lbs and i dont want to gain it back. I'll have to figure a way or something.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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