Friday, January 15, 2010

Sooo waiting at the Hospital


So here I am waiting at the hosptial, my grandpa is in the back doing something well he was brought in to be looked at. Im not really sure what he was being brought in for, but it think it has something to do with his mind, who really knows. But whatever, so here i am sitting in the wiating room, i cam down with my grandma but i told her i would sit out in the waiting room while she went into the back to be with him. I wasn't planning on bring my laptop here but i did oh well lol. I set myself near a outlet so when my laptop is getting close to dying i can just plug it in. But i haven't yet, so thats not a bad thing and i hope that i dont have to at all. But whatever if i do i have like 4 outlets nears me LOL. But this is really boring and the bad part is my grandpa is always in the hospital for something. I think he makes it up half of the time but whatever. I mean almost like once a month or like everyother month he is wanting to come down to the hospital for some dumb reason. And on top of it most of the time he is faking i mean really why would you want to be sick for. He is one of the only people i know that wants to be sick, being sick is not fun at all but for someone to want to be sick its got to do with there mind i think. We've been thinking for a while off and on that maybe his mind is going. I mean he is 69 i think, and his mom passed away in 2008 from losing her mind. It was so sad, i just hope that he's just faking it and its' not really his mind going. If it is maybe my grandma can get him on some meds to slow it down before it gets to late where meds wont help.

Anyway, i think i might put a update on here after i hear something from my grandpa. But i havne't heard anything still yet so whatever. Hope there is nothing wrong with my grandpa.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

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